Old Permic

Komi Script

Old Permic letters
letter name
1 𐍐 an /ɑ/
2 𐍑 bur /b/
3 𐍒 gai /g/
4 𐍓 doi /d/
5 𐍔 e /e/
6 𐍕 žoi /ʒ/
7 𐍖 džoi /dʒ/
8 𐍗 zata /z/
9 𐍘 dzita /dʑ/
10 𐍙 i /i/, /j/
11 𐍚 koke /k/
12 𐍛 lei /l/
13 𐍜 menö /m/
14 𐍝 nenö /n/
15 𐍞 voi /o̝/
16 𐍟 pei /p/
17 𐍠 rei /r/
18 𐍡 sii /s/
19 𐍢 tai /t/
20 𐍣 u /u/, /v/
(25) 𐍫 ef /f/
(26) 𐍬 ha /x/
(27) 𐍭 tsiu /ts/
(28) 𐍮 ver /v/, /u/
21 𐍤 čery /tʃ/
22 𐍥 šoi /ʃ/
𐍦 ščoi
(29) 𐍯 jer ъ
23 𐍧 yry /ɨ/
𐍨 jeru
(30) 𐍰 jeri ь
(31) 𐍱 jatʼ /e̝/
(32) 𐍲 ie /je/
(33) 𐍳 ju /ju/
(34) 𐍴 ja /jɑ/
𐍵 ia
24 𐍩 o /o/, /ɘ/
𐍪 oo

Komi vowels714
front central back
close /i/ ⟨i⟩
⟨і, и⟩
/ɨ/ ⟨y⟩
/u/ ⟨u⟩
⟨у, ю⟩
close-mid /e̝/ ⟨ê⟩
/o̝/ ⟨ô⟩
mid /e/ ⟨e⟩
⟨э, е⟩
/ɘ/ ⟨ö⟩
/o/ ⟨o⟩
⟨о, ё⟩
open /ɑ/ ⟨a⟩
⟨а, я⟩

Komi consonants714
labial alveolar post-
palatal velar
stop voiceless /p/ ⟨p⟩
/t/ ⟨t⟩
/c/ ⟨tʼ⟩
⟨ть⟩ ԏ
/k/ ⟨k⟩
voiced /b/ ⟨b⟩
/d/ ⟨d⟩
⟨д⟩ ԁ
/ɟ/ ⟨dʼ⟩
⟨дь⟩ ԃ
/g/ ⟨g⟩
fricative voiceless /f/ ⟨f⟩
/s/ ⟨s⟩
/ʃ/ ⟨š⟩
/ɕ/ ⟨ś⟩
⟨сь⟩ ԍ
/x/ ⟨h⟩
voiced /v/ ⟨v⟩
/z/ ⟨z⟩
/ʒ/ ⟨ž⟩
/ʑ/ ⟨ź⟩
⟨зь⟩ ԅ
affricate voiceless /ts/ ⟨c⟩
/tʃ/ ⟨č⟩
⟨тш⟩ щ
/tɕ/ ⟨ć⟩
voiced /dʒ/ ⟨dž⟩
⟨дж⟩ җ
/dʑ/ ⟨dź⟩
⟨дз⟩ ԇ
nasal /m/ ⟨m⟩
/n/ ⟨n⟩
/ɲ/ ⟨ń⟩
⟨нь⟩ ԋ
lateral /l/ ⟨l⟩
/ʎ/ ⟨lʼ⟩
⟨ль⟩ ԉ
approximant /j/ ⟨j⟩
⟨й⟩ ј
trill /r/ ⟨r⟩


  1. Unicode Character Code Charts. unicode.org.
    1. “Cyrillic Supplement.” unicode.org.
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  2. WG2 Document Registry, Unicode® Technical Committee Document Registry, unicode.org, unicode.org.
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  13. Viacheslav V. Lytvynenko, Alexander I. Grishchenko. “Unlocking Two Marginalia in Old Permic Script in a Fifteenth-Century Slavonic Manuscript (Russian State Library, Volok. 437) with Athanasius’ Orations Against the Arians.” Byzantinoslavica, 80/1–2, 2022, pp. 146–162, academia.edu.
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